Monday, March 7, 2011

I'd kill for a Nobel Peace Prize!

We simply cannot do it all, and even if you can, that doesn't mean you should! Give yourself a break or you'll burn yerself out...

In the last 30 years or so, since the sexual revolution and the dawn of the equal rights movement, women’s roles have been undergoing a drastic change.

More and more women have broken through the glass ceiling and have taken key positions in the corporate world while still juggling family and personal responsibilities. Sound familiar?  The notion of being Superwoman has taken hold and it is a cycle many women can’t seem to break.

Technology has made it easier to take on too much.

As our lives have become more inundated by technology with the ability to juggle multiple responsibilities at once has been streamlined. Now a woman can hold her entire schedule in her juggling hand, flipping through her virtual rolodex, set up appointments, solving household problems, all on the fly or with her Bling Pink Blackberry.

But just because it is easier to do, doesn’t mean you should be doing it.  Right?  Right.

Trying to be all things to everyone takes a considerable toll on you both physically and emotionally.  I put it in a nutshell, the more you try to do, the less of yourself you are actually able to give because your energy reserves just can’t fucking handle it.

Stress can cause your body to weaken and break down and with it - your emotions can spiral out of control.  You think our week of PMS is bad?  We find ourselves experiencing PMS symptoms even when we’re not PMSing and we wonder why?

The effects of stress are not just mental, Plonkers! Doctors have proven the effects that stress can have on the human body. Everything from disrupting your sleep schedule to short-circuiting your nervous system to increasing fatigue can result from having an overload of stress in your daily life. Your body can only take so much and when your body falters, your mind does too.

*cue Twighligh Zone music*.  Take heed wannabe Superwoman...

Lack of proper nutrition and sleep can leave you feeling run down and disorientated. This can make you feel emotionally fucked up. Yeah its those bursts of anger, fits of crying, feelings of anxiety and being overwhelmed can all begin to creep up until you feel like you just can’t handle what life is throwing at you anymore. Then you wanna crawl into a hole and die.

It’s a vicious circle and only you have to power to step up and make it stop.

Take a step back, breathe deeply and reconsider your priorities.

Chillax, gurls!

There is no need to feel like you have to do it all. Superwoman is fucking over-rated!  Instead, take a step back, breathe deeply and consider what you really need to do. Keep your priorities straight and try to focus on what is really important. That may mean having to let a few things slide and if that makes you to function better, then isn’t it worth it?

Hell, yeah!

We all like to think that we’re invincible, but the truth is we’re not. We’re human and that means we occasionally need to stop and recharge our batteries.

Those electronic devices that run our lives may not slow down, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t. Unplug for a few hours every day and reconnect with the people in your life who REALLY matter. That will mean much more than getting one more item checked off your to-do list.

Yes, women are strong and incredibly capable and can handle anything life throws at them, but that doesn’t mean we have to handle it all at once.

Stop trying to be Superwoman and settle for just being a super woman, one who’s in touch with herself and taking care of her basic needs first and everyone in your life will reap the rewards!


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