Monday, April 25, 2011

SA National Cheerleaders head to USA for International Cheer Union World Championship

We went to Bryanston High School yesterday afternoon to watch our South African National Cheerleading team perform.  They are heading off to ICU International Cheer Union World Champions being held in Disneyland USA on Thursday and Friday this week.

My best friend's son and his girlfriend are part of the elite team and we couldn't be prouder.  They leave on their flight to the states tonight and we are so excited for them, as this is the first time that South Africa is part of this major event.  The sport in SA is still fairly new but they are still pretty frikken awesome!

What an opportunity for both Justin and Sam to go to Disneyland together as a couple and take part in this HUGE event.  YouTube is riddled with cheer videos from last year's competition:  USA TeamMexican Team and the Chinese Team.

We'll be hosting a Cheerleading party at our house on Thursday night to watch the live feed of the Championships on ESPN.  We'll be supporting the South African Team 100%.   Bring out the popcorn, candy floss and hot dogs.

Go SA, Go Green and Gold.  Go Team Go!!!

Here's the schedule - be sure to watch Team Green and Gold!

[video removed until after the competition]


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