Thursday, May 5, 2011

How to Know if Your Child Has Dyslexia

Child Has Dyslexia

Maybe you've found your child reaches the stage of development mean well, but when he started school, you wonder why he suddenly seems to have problems. At this point, you might wonder whether he's just stubborn, not like school for some reason or another, such as bullying, or if he truly has a learning disorder.

Dyslexia is a learning disorder that greatly affects school children, especially as it affects one's ability to read letters in the correct order when they form words. This is because dyslexia is a problem with visual-motor integration, resulting in poor reading and even writing skills. Unfortunately, dyslexia affects more than just reading and writing, as disability is usually also cause confusion direction and make it difficult for someone to memorize the sequence. This resulted in difficulty with tying shoelaces, doing long division, which includes several steps, or even touch typing. They also may have difficulty memorizing facts that seem to have no personal relevance, such as multiplication tables, science facts, and historical dates.

This is why it is very important to detect dyslexia at an early age, for parents to find appropriate interventions to help children learn basic concepts that he needs in life. Of course, for young people, very normal for them to reverse the letters when they learn to write, which does not cause alarm. This is probably why many teachers avoid the possibility of dyslexia at the age of preschool. But still there are some symptoms that might want to look out for, as children who have three or more of these signs usually have to be tested for dyslexia by five years of age:

1. Is the child suffering from delayed speech, such as unable to speak each word with its first birthday?

2. Does the child often mix the sound in words with many syllables? For example, he might say spaghetti as "bisghetti," or hamburger as "hangaberg."

3. Did he stutter at an early age?

4. Did she suffer from frequent ear infections?

5. Does she have difficulty mastering shoe lacing?

6. Is he confused about left and right, top and bottom, before and after, as well as the words or concepts in another direction?

7. Is he too late in establishing a dominant hand?

8. Does she have difficulty learning letters and their sounds? Does she have difficulty writing the alphabet in order?

9. If you have often read stories with rhyming words, such as Dr. Seuss' "Cat in the Hat," whether he is having trouble saying what words rhyme with what was by four and a half years?

10. Does she have difficulty pronounce L's and R, N and M?

If your child shows at least three of the warning signal, you could do well to have him tested for learning disabilities. Note, though, that people do not usually make the mistake of reading dyslexia at random. There are the kinds of mistakes they make both to read and write. For example, dyslexic children tend to read words on a page but failed to recognize the other. They also probably know phonics, but have trouble sounding out unfamiliar words. They also might have work to read single words when presented in isolation.

Of course, oddly enough, despite these problems, people with dyslexia have been found to be often gifted in mathematics, as skills in three-dimensional visualization allows them to "see" math concepts do not like the non-dyslexic. But they are still challenged with rote memorization and sequencing, which may inhibit their prize in mathematics. They can also show great talent in art, athletics, music, things mechanical, people skills, and be too creative.

In any case, you must understand that every case of dyslexia can be unique, and if you suspect your child to have it, only to have him tested early, because before you can have the intervention, the more likely he is to overcome this learning disability. It may help you to note that many dyslexics go to become very successful people, not apart from the condition, but thanks to gift their dyslexia. Thus, you will do well to have early intervention to highlight your child's gift, too!


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