Thursday, May 5, 2011

My Chemical Romance respond to propaganda claim

My Chemical Romance respond to propaganda claim
My Chemical Romance respond to right-wing pundit Glenn Beck's claims that their music is 'propaganda'.

Conspiracy theorist and right-wing Fox broadcaster Glenn Beck went on an odd rant last week about youth culture.

He picked out Glee and My Chemical Romance as part of our current culture which 'is set up for you, and the values that we grew up on, to lose'.

He said he watched Glee in 'stunned horror' as a valueless 'nightmare' unfolded in front of him.

And he picked out the lyrics to 'Sing' by My Chemical Romance, that was performed on Glee, comparing it to North Korean propaganda.

My Chemical Romance have now responded to the rant on their website.

Frontman Gerard Way writes, ' think the word Glenn Beck was looking for was 'subversion' not 'propaganda', because I don't know what it would be considered propaganda for- truth? sentiment?

'And I can't tell what he's angrier about- the fact that it's how I feel about the persistent sterilization of our culture or the fact that it's on network television for everyone to hear.

Referring to the lyrics Beck analysed from the song, Way writes, ''m actually shocked that no actual fact-checking was done on the lyrics. I mean Fox is a major news channel, covering factual topics in an unbiased and intelligent ' oh wait '

'To quote the man himself ' 'You don't have to live by the standards that society has set,' I couldn't agree more.'


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